
MoFoYa Productions brings us all to the forefront of some of the newest trends in production and digital media!


Friday, December 28, 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from MoFoYa Productions!

Well, we made it. It has been a long, unpredictable year but we all made it. Now I know all of you are saying, "But SOURCE, you guys have only been a thing since March! You guys could not possibly be feeling the same exhaustion I'm feeling, having missed the first two months of the year! Everyone knows the hardest part of any year is always the first two months!" Even if that were true, we here at MoFoYa Productions have felt that same crunch. HARD. I swear, when my motivation to write decides to return, I'm gonna write a book about our first year as a company. I have not been 100% candid about everything that has happened on this side of the screen this year. Outside of it being unnecessary, no one has asked. Believe me, believable or not, these past ten months have been some of the most trying of my life, and they would play very well as a book. I will see what I can do in terms of that, but I assure everyone, we and I feel everything that you are feeling about the end of the year. The passage of time. The uncertainty of the future. The promise of things that have yet to drop. These are the days to take it slow and appreciate. It has been a rough year. But of course we are just starting out here. The saying goes that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. I think we have done pretty good for ourselves. And of course, there is no shutdown or break for us, just as there ain't no rest for the wicked. So I wouldn't be surprised if we roll out a few other bites before the end of the year. The universe knows no time. One of these days we'll swap stories. Until then, a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year from all of us here at MoFoYa Productions!

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