
MoFoYa Productions brings us all to the forefront of some of the newest trends in production and digital media!


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Camera Formerly Known As Psychedelic

Now the last time I put up any SONGS FOR YOUR HEAD was in June regrettably, June 2 to be exact. It is now November, if you were not already aware, so that means it has been 5 MONTHS since the last time I had some music stuck in my head! I know, unacceptable!! Of course, I have still had music playing in my head and some songs in particular managing to embed themselves in my cerebral cortex for a period of time. I will say, though, that it has not been as much as of late, nor has it been continuously like it once was. This is not because of the music, but because my mind has been lacking in music due to my own general lack of motivation. I have been working on the positive thinking and I am doing better with my productivity and thought patterns. Life sure is a bitch sometimes, but what I have found is that that is not a good excuse. We all have our moments, but when you are down, you end up doing yourself no favors as well as everyone that is around you and everyone that you care about. Simple as that. Music is my life, as well as really good medicine, so I figured it was about time to get back to it!
So the first song for your head since I am back is "Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo" by The Grateful Dead, one of my favorite tunes from the Dead. It is the studio version, which some might say is blasphemy, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and that is my preferred version. For this installment, I did not create an original piece of digital art for the video. I recorded a video on my phone of a Grateful Dead tapestry that looks like a psychedelic pinball machine from the 60s:

To make things all interesting and trippy, I recorded said video using the app Psychedelic Camera. This free app allows you to take pictures and shoot video just like your normal camera phone app, but with a colorful twist. This app allows you to add a psychedelic filter as well as trippy special effects to any picture or video you take. They go pretty in depth too, which makes the app one of the best and and one you should have. Needless to say, it is a resource that gives me more of a capability to create more eventful and involved videos, which I am all about! I say, when you have the time, check out that fun and useful app, as well as my video on YouTube! Here's to looking and moving forward!